More Than Just Weekends: Creighton's Interview

We hear from another dad in today's interview. Creighton and his family homeschool in Louisville, Kentucky, and homeschooling means he can spend more time with his family. Creighton also spends time on several local homeschooling email lists providing his perspective and giving lots of helpful information to other Louisville area homeschoolers.

1. How long have you been homeschooling (or if finished, how long did you homeschool)?

My wife and I have been homeschooling for about four years.

2. One of the main benefits of homeschooling is the freedom and flexibility it allows. Can you give us a few examples of how this freedom and flexibility benefited you (your family)?

As I work second shift, homeschooling allows me to spend mornings with my family. Whereas, if they attended a public or private school during the work week, I would rarely see my own children awake except on weekends.

Additionally, it has allowed us great flexibility in day to day events, such as doctor's appointments out of state. Our son has a very rare eye condition, and my wife sometimes must take him to appointments in Cincinnati. Such common events would prove terribly disruptive to a rigidly structured education.

And the very best time to go to Walt Disney World is the week leading up to Labor Day Weekend, as that is back-to-school week for the vast majority of public school districts East of the Rockies. Some parents are willing to take their kids out of school for a vacation, but none of them will do so on the first week of the school year.

3. Another benefit of homeschooling is the fun factor. Can you give us a few examples of some especially fun times you had as a result of homeschooling?

See the WDW (Walt Disney World) reference above. Let me say that WDW is certainly the happiest place on Earth, more so when more than half of all the rides have no line whatsoever. The Ultimate Homeschool Fieldtrip lives up to it's name.

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