Homeschooling Family Interview: Becky

This is from Becky, who homeschools in Indiana:

1. How long have you been homeschooling (or if finished, how long did you homeschool)?

I homeschooled my own kids for 17 years and since then have been homeschooling friends' children. Altogether, it's been nearly 22 years.

2. One of the main benefits of homeschooling is the freedom and flexibility it allows. Can you give us a few examples of how this freedom and flexibility benefited you (your family)?

Several of my children as well as the others I've taught are special needs--ADHD, autism spectrum, LD. Homeschooling allows us to work around their bad days and use the methods and techniques best suited to each child. The children are free to learn in the ways best suited to them and to take the frequent breaks necessary to prevent frustration. It has also allowed us to take days off for family emergencies or in times of crisis.

3. Another benefit of homeschooling is the fun factor. Can you give us a few examples of some especially fun times you had as a result of homeschooling?

Rock hunting trips, trips to the park, outdoor science labs, using chalk to draw a scale model of the solar system in the church parking lot,.... Opportunities for educational fun are endless.

4. We all have funny experiences while homeschooling. Can you share one of yours with us?

My girls agree that the day their older brother attached a bicycle pump to the sheep lungs we were going to dissect and made them "breathe" was one of the funniest things ever. They also remember the day we were studying turtles and the turtle peed on my foot.

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