Homeschooling Fun With Limericks

Limericks are quite fun to write
The form can be tough though, you’re right
You have something to say;
Perfect in every way
But the last line won’t fit without a fight

Writing limericks with kids is a kick
You never know what words they will pick
They like to be foul
They like making me growl
So they use words that'll make me feel sick

I found these below in my files
Hidden amongst all the piles
Of stuff that I dids
With both of my kids
The fun we had lasted for miles.

Circa 1994...

There once was a robot named Keith
who simply needed some beef.
He went to the store,
to buy him some more,
and completely rotted his teeth.
(By Keith and his Grandma)

We went on a ride with my bike.
I had to carry my counselor, Mike
He was really quite fat,
And so was his cat.
So I made them both ride on a trike.
(By Melissa and her Grandma)

There once was a dinosaur map
That was always so hard to unwrap.
When the triceratops tried,
He just sat there and cried.
'Cause his horns punched a hole in the flap.
(By Melissa, Keith and Mom)

There once was a girl who loved soccer
We all thought she was off of her rocker.
Melissa was her name,
and she played every game,
But she always left her shorts in her locker.
(By Melissa, Keith and Mom)


Sandra Foyt said...

My son gave this a try:

There was a young newt,
it was soooo cute.
When he came
you'd give him the name,
Mister M.C. Toot.

Debbie H. said...

Hey, that's great Sandra. I'd love to meet Mister M.C. Toot. I wonder, does he know how to play the lute?

Tell your son I said "woot!"